Company Name
Company Website
Company Registration Number
Company Address
Social Media
Accounting Year R&D is to be claimed for
What is your Business areas(Domain)?
What do you do?
How do you do it different to others?
What research was carried out?
Project Overview (Summary of overall project)
Project Objectives
What is the aim of the project? (The company or company representative should consider what the company was trying to achieve with the project – i.e. what was the main goal. Please note commercial aims are important, but are not considered by HMRC in their qualification assessment)
What is the baseline technology? (The baseline should be a description of existing technology at the time the project started, including its capabilities and limitations. It is useful for the report to mention the baseline level of technology, as this usually makes it easier for HMRC to see the technical advance being claimed.)
What were the challenges or uncertainties encountered with the project?
What are the technical issues the project had or is going to address? (The company should consider the areas where they had their issues, which could simply be a new product development or a new process they felt was necessary)
How and when were these technological uncertainties overcome? (The company should consider what methods were used to overcome the uncertainties and the investigations and analysis undertaken)
Describe the success and failures and the impact of these in the overall project. If the uncertainties were not overcome, explain what happened.
Staff Involvement (List the staff members involved in the project and what percentage of their time was taken up with the project, such as Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Project Manager, Engineers, Technicians, Operators, etc)
Did you use any Sub-Contractors to complete or assist with the Project? (Such as software development, Apps, analysis, assembly of machinery, external consultant. A subcontractor can be in the UK or anywhere in the world)
Full Name